MarineLab’s Impact

MarineLab’s programs definitely change lives. Learning about the ocean, sometimes just experiencing it for the first time, sparks desire to choose or change a career, change lifestyle choices at home and at school, or just make one more aware of how the ocean affects every aspect of our lives.

Here are just a few of our impact stories for you!

  • Mandy lives in Florida but she had never been in the ocean before her 6th grade MarineLab trip. Now she’s majoring in fisheries science and teaching outdoor education part time at a park

  • Heather came to MarineLab as a student, changed her major from psychology to biology, returned as an intern, and after a few years in the classroom she shifted to experiential education and now brings groups to MarineLab with her group Families in Nature

  • Joey, who had never snorkeled before, came with his 7th grade class. He was mesmerized by the reef and so affected by our microplastics lab that he is now driven to eliminate single use plastic as far as he can. That’s a common reaction to our microplastics lab, by the way!

There are so many MarineLab stories out there. We’d love to hear it if you have one to share!


Families In Nature